By Anonymous - 10/02/2015 04:12 - United States

Today, in an attempt to potty train my 2-year-old, I sat her on the toilet and waited for several minutes. I finally gave up and lifted her off the toilet just in time for her to pee on my new shoes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 879
You deserved it 5 841

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Im just curious, why do people wear shoes inside?

drayloon 50

Some people just need a little lift to accomplish a task


and thats why we dont wear shoes in the house!

linkinpark98 23

Oh, how I wish humans were born with the knowledge of how to use a toilet... Can't wait until I have to spend thousands of dollars on diapers! (sigh)

Garnetshaddow 30

I don't think you deserve it. That is unfortunate and potty training is tough. I simply question why you were wearing new shoes around a 2 year old and a toilet?

My 9 month old did the same thing today minus the shoe wetting. I left her to go get clothes for 20 seconds came back and she was standing with the aid of the bath tub in a big puddle dancing in it. Sorry about your shoes OP.

sahmnc420 13

Googlr 3 day potty training. N remember it's only stuff no big deal. Memories are much more valuable.

Sorry, OP, but YDI for wearing new shoes indoors while potty training an infant!