By mehdi - 13/10/2008 08:20

Today, I woke up and switched on the TV. The first thing I saw was a picture of a wanted rapist, who looks just like me. I'm afraid to leave home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 327 228
You deserved it 33 802

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should go outside in a ski mask, then. That's not nearly as suspicious.


your afraid to leave your home!? your NEIGHBORS are afraid to leave your home!

Maybe made someone feel discuted after having sex with her.. So she framed you

alinka_fml 0

it's not you so why be worried

dancer050 0

Ugh! I hate when that happens!

wouldnt have this problem if you didnt rape kids

of corse urafraid of leaving ur house, u did it and dont wanna be caught

tankadin37 0

Don't try to cover it up, we see right into your soul...