By booooo - 07/03/2011 21:38 - France

Today, I withdrew €40 at the ATM to pay for dinner later tonight. It wasn't until I went to pay for it that I realized I'd taken the receipt, but left the cash in the ATM. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 407
You deserved it 41 841

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MaiDeath 0

I guess someones having a good day...on you of course

I feel like that would be the one thing I definitely wouldn't forget after going to the ATM considering that's the reason I went there in the first place


hmmmm. just €40 for dinner? no credit card?we just don't know about you.

Maybe he was short by 40 and already had 60 in his wallet.

Here, ATMs beep until you've got all the money. :)

not sure what ATMs are like in France but ATMs in Australia beep until you take the money out..

In the US, the ATMs I've used do the same thing. They keep beeping until you take your cash and card.

I don't live in monopoly land. what's that in America

tyler_420 0

ydi for using monopoly money

diabetictaco 0

well that sucks. the people who said u deserve are mean. like they've never forgotten something