By Anonymous - 07/03/2012 18:51 - United Kingdom

Today, I went with my friends to see a movie. I handed my student card over to the cashier as proof I was old enough to see it, and he started laughing hysterically at my picture. Then he called over a colleague, who also started laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 071
You deserved it 3 016

Same thing different taste

Top comments

megamandude455 10

"and then they called their boss over, who then proceeded to laugh at it too."


Ignore that. They are the ones who have to pick up the popcorn on the floor after the movie. OP always remember that true beauty comes from within, and with that knowledge you can active great things! XOXO ~ R

Thanks to ******* your life, I notice I can see a movie for little money because my face looks like younger among Asian people.

What a douche. Hope u talked to his boss.

That sure was professional of them. I hope you talked to their boss so they got their asses kicked for that.

The fat blonde bitch always asks for ID!

you can get them in big trouble for that shit!

Aww 0P don't worry those people are just jerks Nd insecure that's why they pick on others !

they shouldn't have done that. Embarrassing a client