By Shamdog48 - 11/04/2011 15:08 - United States

Today, I went to work at a chemotherapy clinic. After explaining to a patient about the risks and benefits of chemotherapy for his underlying metastatic lung cancer, he asks is it OK to smoke during chemotherapy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 841
You deserved it 3 739

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow. Someone either really wants to die, or they're just plain stupid. >.>

Yeah, it is. Smoke kills the cancer-cells right?


Proudmary 2

During chemo(as in actual chemo process, though I think that's just bad wording) is a bit exagerrated...But if the man's gonna go through stress and feeling himself die slowly, I don't see the problem. If you gotta go, might as well go with style.

how does that effect your life? that person was probably messing around and you are just to stupid to put it together. idiot

how is this FML? it's more like f their life.

RedPillSucks 31

Curious, Would the life insurance company care how he died as long as it wasn't fraudulent? Smoking is too slow of a suicide for them to care, unless he just recently got the policy.

This should so be on NotAlwaysRight

Palmless 0

Smoking(marijuana) kills cancer cells in the lungs, bro. Why do you think there's medicated weed? C'mon, brometheus.

Maybe he has a cunning plan to smoke so much his cancer gets cancer and dies.

Sparkiee93 3

Haha, wow just reminded me of my Papa. Smoked cigars the day before he had his tumor removed, and right up until the chemotherapy made him to sick to move or eat. It was sad to watch, but he figured that if he was going to die then he wasn't going to die depriving himself of anything, would he still be alive if he had never smoked? Probably, but if he had stopped when he found out he had cancer, he would probably still be dead.