By boytoy - 02/09/2009 21:23 - Canada

Today, I went to my school to take my yearbook picture. I was wearing a shirt that said ANALOG on the front. When I bent in to take the picture, part of my shirt overlapped itself. Now I'm known as the ANAL kid in the yearbook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 091
You deserved it 18 931

Same thing different taste

Taking pictures

By Anonymous - 05/12/2019 14:00

Today, I was teaching a high school calculus class. I wrote a complex formula on the board. As I wrote, students asked if they could take a picture of the board and circulate it. I said yes, and I was pleased as everybody seemed to be taking pictures. Soon, I realized why: my skirt was tucked into my underwear. Within a few minutes, every student in the school had an email with a picture of my ugliest pair of floral-printed panties. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 223
You deserved it 477


if you just got your pic taken today, how is it already in the yearbook??? FAKE

All of the FMLs start with "Today," and end with "FML", genius.

ozymandias_fml 0

YDI for wearing a lame-ass shirt to yearbook pictures.

YDI for wearing a slogan shirt for your pictures. Didn't your mama ever tell you to dress nicely for pictures?

X_totallysucks_X 0

I want to see that yearbook picture =D

you deserve it for wearing that in your year book picture!


Haha, that's awesome. I only dreamed of having an awesome picture in the yearbook.

CousinSkeeter 0

that's the problem with FMLs starting with the word 'today'.