By Yup - 13/06/2010 07:48 - United States

Today, I went to my boyfriend's mom's house for the first time. They had a cook-out so I got to meet his whole entire family. I went into the kitchen to find a huge picture of his ex-girlfriend on his mom's fridge. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 163
You deserved it 3 564

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So your boyfriends mom liked his previous girlfriend, she hadn't met you yet. Just be cool and soon you'll be hanging there :)

Try not to let it bother you, and don't say anything about it. Hopefully they'll like you enough eventually to replace her picture with yours. If it's still there months from now though, you'll probably have to "accidentally" tear it off. haha


youthink_fml 0

So what? He's with you, not her. Can't you find something worthwhile to complain about?

Fridge pictures have a way of melting into the background till you don't notice them anymore. I wouldn't assume it's a deliberate affront until other attitudes and actions proved it was.

my boyfriends mom has a picture of his ex on their fridge but he lives in Tacoma and his mom lives in Oregon. I try not to worry especially when he takes it off when we go visit..try giving her pictures of you and your boyfriend and see what she does. that's what I did and now there's pictures of me and him on the fridge and in frames around the house. OP just don't overthink it

cheshireisme 0

that happened to boyfriends grandparents have a huge picture of them on the wall in the family room.

EveryDayJackAss 0

Uhhh, did the OP ASSUME it was his ex? Cuz assuming shit usually ends up making you look like a complete idiot.

kbitchh 0

My ex bf's mom does the same thing. Me and my ex broke up a year ago but my pic was still there when I visited. His family just really loves me and still hoping well get back together. So talk to him abt it !

penguin27 0

that's some bullshit maybe he has her on the fridge so everytime he wants to eat he sees her and looses his appetite u shld tlk to him bout it tho....

dont feel bad.. my boyfriends grandma has one of him and his ex in the kitchen on the wall, i hateeee it & the girll ! /:

toast1b 0

Hey moms are wierd. My mom still misses my first gf, and she is married with kids.