By Yup - 13/06/2010 07:48 - United States

Today, I went to my boyfriend's mom's house for the first time. They had a cook-out so I got to meet his whole entire family. I went into the kitchen to find a huge picture of his ex-girlfriend on his mom's fridge. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 163
You deserved it 3 564

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So your boyfriends mom liked his previous girlfriend, she hadn't met you yet. Just be cool and soon you'll be hanging there :)

Try not to let it bother you, and don't say anything about it. Hopefully they'll like you enough eventually to replace her picture with yours. If it's still there months from now though, you'll probably have to "accidentally" tear it off. haha


heyyitshannah 0

well they like her better :)

I read "picture" as "piece" and was all WTF for a moment there...

vanillee_fml 0

break up with the guy already......

PeaceLoveAmelia6 0

What a lovely welcoming. Did your boyfriend know the photograph was there? If so, he's a jerk who's still "pining" for his ex-girlfriend. If not, subtly tell him about it, or point it out and ask him to take it down.

Flutist 3

Um, how is it the girlfriend's right to tell the mother who she can care about. I take it the fridge is most likely covered in photos. The ex was part of the life before the GF and she is never going to replace the ex, because she shouldn't have to. If the Op is so worried about a picture, then she needs to live in a box cause there will always be people who actually keep civil relationships with people they slept with. It is not her right to ask it to be removed.

Find out if he's got any nudie shots of her. Print them out and stick them on their fridge next time you go over.

why didn't you ruin the picture? FYL, though. guess we know who he favors more