By porkfriedlife - 28/07/2009 20:38 - United States

Today, I went to a theater and saw "Bruno" with my mom. We saw "Borat" together, so I thought, 'Hey, how bad could it be?' I don't know what was more nauseating: Bruno's penis spinning around and talking or the fact that my mom thought it was hilarious and couldn't stop laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 859
You deserved it 25 735

Same thing different taste

Top comments

yep, I saw that with my friend and his parents. It was... interesting.

I saw Bruno with my mom and we both thought it was funny. I don't see the fyl...


notlovingit 0

i saw that and im 17 btw and i effing loved it! i laughed for the whole movie non stop i HATED borat though - now THATS the worst movie ever made

darkheadlights 4

Same exact thing happened to me.

cucumberfabulous 7

HAHA! So what? I watched Bruno and Borat with my mom. All she did was give me a weird look whenever he showed his penis. But I'm pretty sure she thought it was funny .. =) Borat was much better than Bruno though.....

MyLifeShallBeFed 0

It wasn't Bruno's penis, it was a random guys' dick. Right? Even as a guy I found it freaking hilarious. It's just a body part. As for your mom laughing at it, it's 1,000 times better then if she had gotten mad at you for it. You should have done your research on it anyway.

bexox 0

It was supposed to be Bruno's penis. It was probably a body double for Sacha Baren Cohen.

I saw it yesterday but I went on my own. It was hilarious because an old guy left the theater halfway through and never came back. Oh but about your situation, I think it's hilarious that you're more uptight than your mother. I don't see the FML...

M13LO 0
sleepreader 0

jeez is there anywhere you HAVEN'T had sex? let's see, three consecutive posts, hospital with a doctor, at work, in the movies, (in the alley, in the highschool bathroom, in your preschoolers bedroom, in a dumpster...) haha jk I'm just trollin'... and I'm pretty sure you are too... or you really could just be a ****... ;)

I went to see it with my dad. OP is a total idiot for going to see it with their mom and expecting her not to laugh.

vyv 0

Same thing happened to me, except I'm a 16 year old girl, and my step-father is 59. He thought it was HILARIOUS...I didn't.

I saw that with my Mom. We were both laughing. :p Not awkward for us, just funny.