By Chip - 21/04/2009 10:51 - Australia

Today, I went to a cosmetic dentist and got a chip in my tooth filled in that I’d had since I was 7. I went out later and my friend jokingly hit my head against the table a few times to make fun of me showing off my teeth. He slipped. I fell. I now have 2 chipped teeth and a broken nose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 445
You deserved it 10 434

Same thing different taste

Top comments

piderman13 0

YDI for not stopping him. how can hitting your head against the table end well?

livingdeadgirl 0

Oh **** that you should have beaten the shit out of him until his nose was broken too and had chipped teeth.


Lucky19 0

YDI for doing something that will obviously end badly FYL for getting hurt I think I prefer YDI, though

simplewhimsy 0

"My friend jokingly hit my head against the table a few times..." what?

Hahaha #67 I was just about to say the same thing.

He (or his parents, depending on age) had better pay for your bill.

unixorn 1

Your friend is a douchebag. Who slams someone's face into a table as a joke? After he pays for your teeth and nose, find smarter friends.

TryToBeKind 0

I know he was joking, but he really should help you pay for those things!

Emmett_Luver_101 0

i was GONNA say you deserved it cuz i originally thought it said YOU jokingly hit your head lol im a dork :P but seriously the op doesnt deserve it you dont pick your friends! wait a minute.... close enough!