By apparentlyugly - 26/04/2009 16:49 - United States

Today, I went to a concert. They had this feature where you could send a picture of something from your cell phone and they'd put it on the big screens, so I sent a picture of myself in. When the picture came up on the screens, the entire crowd of about 4,000 people went, "Ewwww!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 490
You deserved it 111

Top comments

randomsloth 0

hbahahah omfg thats priceless

mrlucky4444 0

Camera Phone: $130 Concert Tickets: $250 New Outfit: $100 Having your picture booed at by an entire crowd: PRICELESS


yourradimrad 0

Hey was this at the Fall Out Boy concert in MD....cause that sounds like what happened while I was there. I didn't Ew though. That's just mean :/

tdawgheath 0

How the **** do you know the entire crowd did...maybe it was just some folks you know who were around you... dumbass YDI for thinking the entire crowd said "ew"

#28 ! You missed one . A lotta FMLs are also about trying to impress/get someone's attention & failing miserably . Hahahahaah

AndelleRae 9

... So I know I'm not the best looking person in the world, but I laughed at this. I think that makes me a bad person. *shrug* Oh well. You kind of deserve it for sending a picture of yourself to the giant screen thing. On the other hand, that does kind of suck. Sorry it happened, but at least you know not to do that again, right?

LOL! Yea that sucks but life goes on. People are always going to be superficial and you need to deal with it. I agree with what other people have said don't send your picture in if you don't want to be judged.

JAJAJA IF YOU'RE A GIRL YOU CAN FIX IT, IF NOT YOU ARE F###...somebody would have told you not to send that picture

OMG hahahahaha i remember this!! it was at merriweather on saturday. i didnt ew, but i my friend and i did turn to each other and were like wtf?! seriously girl, you have to do something because that was quite an unfortunate picture- did you really not know how bad you looked?! hope you still enjoyed the concert though - it was AMAZINGGGGGG

That does suck, regardless whether the person is unattractive or not.

#28 you have it all right, people use proceeded where it makes no sense and is just awkward i think they are all similar because people read them and then it reminds them of a similar incident that happened to them