By holywowz - 17/05/2017 18:00

Today, I went to a comedy show, expecting to feel better about a difficult relationship. Instead, I saw a performance written by the girl who loves my husband, about my husband, and how she loves him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 172
You deserved it 366

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Eashy 16

How do you not know what comedian is performing and you paid to go see her,sounds like a bit of purposeful self pity.


species4872 19

So who going to get the last laugh?

TheyCallMeDamien 17

Heifers be trifling for real!

The joke is on her. He loves you and you alone, right? Doesn't sound like a very funny act.

Did you miss the part about "difficult relationship"? It kinda implies the romance is on the rocks.

Did I need to wrap my "right?" with the HTML sarcasm tags?

Did I need to wrap my "right?" with the HTML sarcasm tags?

Eashy 16

Did she directly use your husband's name? You should have gone full heckler on her!


How do you not know what comedian is performing and you paid to go see her,sounds like a bit of purposeful self pity.

Maybe she didn't know about the girl, or if she did, didn't know her name?

It could have been a show with multiple comedians; I've been to those 'comedy hour' type shows where each comedian is given 5-10 minutes to perform, and I definitely didn't know who most of them were.

Leviathene 34

It could've been a local comedy thing. You don't know the whole story, so I'm waiting to see if OP comments to clear things up.

And even if she did know, she has a right to know what's going on.

Maybe she didn't know what the show was going to be about. Or maybe she suspected but didn't know for certain that her husband is cheating on her or who it was with.

How rude can people be, that bitch obviously knows he's taken, leave him alone. It's not like there are billions of other guys

blackbird8 10

Hey, hang in there. Sure, she "loves" him. But you're his wife. Your love and commitment to your husband far supersede anything she could ever come up with. Hope everything works out.