By tessamarque - 05/04/2012 15:07 - United States - Bartlesville

Today, I watched my cat walk to her litter box, look at it, then walk across the room to pee on a backpack. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 611
You deserved it 4 490

Same thing different taste

Top comments


cylus13 9

Clean the box more often. That's what the cat told you.

Love how many people say 'get a dog'. My friends dog ***** on their couch when they are away half the time. When there is an issue like this, it can happen regardless of what type of animal it is and you just have to find the root cause and treat it. Jesus.

I would beat that lil bastard within an inch of its life.

Another reason not to get a cat and that's cats are vindictive evil animals.

I speak from experience, there is a number of causes for it. Either it's not cleaned to the cats liking, it has a smell they don't like (perfume, etc.) they don't like where it is. Other things can also be that they feel stressed, lonely, etc. and are trying to get your attention.

lemonsquid 6

Obviously there's a problem, if the car isn't fixed-get it fixed...take your cat to the vet & see if it has any health problems (uti's, etc.) if that's not the issue then you may have to use a non-perfumed type of litter. As always, make sure you scoop it's box a minimum of once EVERY DAY (some need more dependent on usage), although some cats have been know to be upset by over cleaning because they can't smell their past potty & think you don't want them to use it anymore if you scoop too often, & some will mark your items so that wherever you go-other cats will know you belong to your cat. I have experienced all of the above in the 35 yrs I've had different cats. I even had one that wouldn't use her box if one of my roommate's cats had used it even once (a territorial thing). Good luck & hope you fare better in the future.

Briget_fml 3