By a_dani365 - 06/07/2015 21:37 - United States - Omaha

Today, I was working customer service at a large grocery store. I recently got a small, tasteful septum piercing that is barely visible. As I greeted a customer, she began to gag, held out her hand as though she was fending me off, and said, "I can't. Your nose ring makes me sick." FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 509
You deserved it 9 637

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Definitely not. Whenever I see one I imagine a bull stamping it's hoof.


Wow, that customer was a bitch. I work in retail too so I feel this. A septum piercing may not be for everyone, but if OP likes it and it's not against the rules at work, it's her choice! I personally wouldn't get one myself but I think they do look really cute on some people.

Amanduhhhhh 10

I can't even handle the amount of hate that OP is getting. If her workplace allows it and it looks tasteful on her, which it absolutely can, it's nobody's business. I don't walk up and insult anybody ever, even if I do think they look ugly. That's purely hateful, just like these comments.

Dawoman 4

There is no such thing as a tasteful septum piercing

YDI thats what you get for having a nose ring.... its unprofessional and jovial and when you get a "real" job your are most likely going to have to get rid of it anyway. Waste of money.

Not really. Septum rings are very easy to hide as you can just flip them around. Or, once it's been in for a while, you can just take it out while you're on the job. Also perhaps the job OP wants doesn't have a no piercings policy.

TallMist 32

141, not to be rude, but you're sounding kinda judgmental. I mean, so what if OP has a piercing? That doesn't mean she deserves to feel embarrassed in public by someone that doesn't like it.

TomeDr 24

Out of curiosity, if the piercing is so small that it's barely noticeable, why bother getting it?

Well she was a bit of a **** about it, but aren't you supposed to take out piercings before work anyways?

Britt125 16

IMO, septum piercings are gross period. But it is your body to whatever you want to. That was very rude on her part. She doesn't have to like it, but that doesn't excuse being a bitch, she should have just kept her opinion to herself.

Hmm did you gag back and say you can't take the smell of asshole

There is no such thing as a tasteful septum piercing

Septum piercings aren't tasteful EVER! But they're not vomit worthy... Most of the time