By a_dani365 - 06/07/2015 21:37 - United States - Omaha

Today, I was working customer service at a large grocery store. I recently got a small, tasteful septum piercing that is barely visible. As I greeted a customer, she began to gag, held out her hand as though she was fending me off, and said, "I can't. Your nose ring makes me sick." FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 509
You deserved it 9 637

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Definitely not. Whenever I see one I imagine a bull stamping it's hoof.


Tasteful - done or chosen with a knowledge of what is appealing, attractive, appropriate, or enjoyable : having or showing good taste (Merriam-Webster dictionary) For me, the issue isn't OP's piercing but their use of the word tasteful. I support personal choice and appreciate diversity, but the comments here indicate that a septum piercing is not generally appealing/attractive/etc. and perhaps OP would have been better served by using a word like "subtle".

I'm sorry but you aren't supposed to have that in at work in most places so it's kinda your fault

TallMist 32

You haven't heard of this new thing called "Not all work places require everyone look the same anymore" have you? Some places do allow piercings.

Sorry OP, but there's no such think as a small septum piercing. Nostril piercing maybe, but not septum.

catlover420 0

your body is your temple. decorate it!! ? I have like 5 piercings and love them all!!

catlover420 0

your body is your temple. decorate it!! ? I have like 5 piercings and love them all!!