By a_dani365 - 06/07/2015 21:37 - United States - Omaha

Today, I was working customer service at a large grocery store. I recently got a small, tasteful septum piercing that is barely visible. As I greeted a customer, she began to gag, held out her hand as though she was fending me off, and said, "I can't. Your nose ring makes me sick." FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 509
You deserved it 9 637

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Definitely not. Whenever I see one I imagine a bull stamping it's hoof.


I can't imagine her responses to other piercings...

Evidently, the nipple piercings were not an issue.

Septums are cute, & yes they can be tasteful. I love mine, but i know to hide it while at work. I have a baby face so I enjoy my piercings, I don't look like a middle schooler. Hmph, that lady was rude af though. Ignore her op, if your boss doesn't mind you having one you've done no wrong.

Honestly you may think it's tasteful, but like another commenter said you work with people so flip it up and hide it whether you like it or not.

I have a septum that I love and have gotten a ton of compliments on it, but I flip it up because I work in a fine jewelry store and am smart enough to realize my piercings and my normal attire have a time and place. I'm pretty much a 180 of how I have to dress for work.

If you want to get a nose ring piercing that's fine but you can't expect anyone to like it and you can't be upset when they make negative comments about it

Of course you can be upset when people choose to make negative comments about your appearance when they could just keep it to themselves.

IMO you deserved it. You shouldn't really be wearing anything more than studs in your ears as far as piercings go when youre at work. That doesn't excuse her bitchiness, but you get those kinds of people in retail.

Guess not, visible enough for the granny