By a_dani365 - 06/07/2015 21:37 - United States - Omaha

Today, I was working customer service at a large grocery store. I recently got a small, tasteful septum piercing that is barely visible. As I greeted a customer, she began to gag, held out her hand as though she was fending me off, and said, "I can't. Your nose ring makes me sick." FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 509
You deserved it 9 637

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Definitely not. Whenever I see one I imagine a bull stamping it's hoof.


Surely you knew what the general opinion of septum piercings is before you got one? If you got a piercing like that and didn't expect the expected reaction from at least some people, YDI for not thinking things through.

GGitsNami 10

You can flip it up into your nose. Its very easy to do and painless. Saves you the hassle of jerk customers.

If you like it, what does it matter how some person you'll most likely never see again outside of work reacts to it?

oyevey45 12

That was rude, and I love piercings but imo septum piercings aren't cute. They make people look like cows. It's not tasteful, but not gag worthy either. it's your face. do what you want.

Cyrus00 41

I had a rather large septum for years and yes, I had the expected ignorant comments but my piercing made me happy. Who gives a **** what these people here think, it's not on their body, so why care? Body modifications aren't for everyone but I don't think ANYONE should be talked down to because of their opinion whether you like what they said or not.

Badkarma4u 17

I don't think she was talking down just letting her know that her peircing was physically upsetting to her. Some people react that way to people that have been burned or disfigured. You wanted to be unique and ram a sharp object through your flesh. Understand that the very thought of that makes people queasy.

TallMist 32

As queasy as it makes you, you try to be POLITE and NOT RUDE to the person you're talking to, whether or not they have body piercings. If you tell someone "Your piercing makes me sick." you ARE talking down to them. Even more so if you raise up your hands as if you have to defend yourself from shaking hands with them, as if the piercing is on their hand instead of their nose. If you don't like someone's piercing, just politely ignore it. Don't go shouting out you feel disgusted by them. That's just plain rude and disrespectful. There's a difference between having a right to express your disgust and whether or not you should.

Badkarma4u 17

If someone is gagging and having a physical reaction, would you prefer they smile be polite and vomit on OP'S shoes? Some peole cant handle seeing something they think is extremely painful or traumatic. Some people are like that with people with injuries, Like if they see a broken finger pointing the wrong way they vomit instantly, some are like that over burns or other disfigurments. You run into these people when you work retail. She did not say She didn't like OP as a person, she did not judge her personal choice of jewelry. She was telling OP that she was feeling ill, and OP could not wait on her unless they wanted a clean up on isle 5. Some people have strong stomachs, and some don't.

TallMist 32

That gives them no right to make OP feel bad about her nose ring, though, which this clearly did. Yes, you DO try to hide your disgust. That's what you're supposed to do. It's called respecting your peers.

Badkarma4u 17

I think everyone bashing the customer is being a little nieve. Some people see body mods and it makes them physically uncomfortable. When she sees your septum peircing she doesn't think "how cute," she imagines searing pain ripping through one of the most sensitive parts of her own body. Shes not judging. She's having a reaction. She's probably very sensitive to such things. There are websites designed to gross people out by showing body mods. Some people are grossed out by more extreme some by less.

It can be tasteful if it's not one of those huge bull rings sticking out of your nose, but it's a tiny one I really don't see what's the real problem.

shupoopeh 3

My opinion. Piercings arent gotten because you like it. Its a fad. Thats why people have pierced places like their hips. Their shoulders. Theur face. Its dumb and meant to look cool.

I happen to like my piercings very much. And yes, I do think they look cool. That's why I like them.

TallMist 32

What makes you assume the OP doesn't genuinely like their piercing?

Lol I didn't get the piercings I have as a ritualistic mating call. I got them because (key word here) I wanted them.

Twatwaffle. I got my first nipple done because, yes, it was a fad and I was curious. All of my piercings since then have been for my own self satisfaction (except one, it's for her satisfaction) because I like the feel of the needle. None of mine are visible in public, so it's not like I got any of them just for show.

Was it super Walmart? If so, I'm sure she's seen far stranger things.