By joybirdnot_13 - 08/07/2009 12:08 - United States

Today, I was working at the mall as the girl that stands around giving out samples of the foods. This guy came up to me and we were flirting for at least 30 mins. With the tray in one hand, I gave him my cell to put his number in it. He ran away with my phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 297
You deserved it 47 120

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Inked2009 0

YDI for handing your cellphone to someone you didn't know.


lol he must've really wanted your phone if he spent 30 mins flirting.

The idiot store called, and they're all outta you! :P Maybe just tell him your phone number instead of giving him your phone? Were you sick when they were handing out common sense?

seb12992 0

#31, you failed at trying to be funny.

Get used to that job, doesn't look like you'll be doing better things with your life.

lmfaowww 0

Someone just got a new phoooone

#20 I laughed way harder than at the fml

30 minutes? You should be able to make a good description of him. If you are in a mall, they probably caught the whole thing on surveillance camera. The good news is that they'll probably catch the guy and you'll get your phone back. The bad news is that you are going to get fired for flirting when you were supposed to be doing your ******* job. The good news is that you are going to get fired from a terrible ******* job.

philosopher 0

Wow, you really think that people will make the effort to get it back, huh...? Wow... Mall security doesn't do SHIT! That's why people feel that they can get away with this stuff.

Didn't you see "Paul Blart Mall Cop?" Those people are professionals who will give their all to protect the public and ensure justice.

I accidentally hit FYL so I gotta say that you're a ******* idiot giving your phone to a stranger.

deaditegirl 0

YDI. Why the hell would you hand someone your phone without knowing them? Idiot.

surely you could have typed a phone number in with one hand. :|

I have to admire that guy's dedication to his plan.

what type of phone was it. if it was nicer than you i see why the guy ran LOL