By Kitty - 01/06/2009 18:49 - United States

Today, I was working as a waitress at this pub. It was dead. After 4 hours I had only made 5$ in tips. A friendly couple came in and complimented EVERYTHING down to the freshness of the lemons in their tea. The bill came to $50. They left me a $5 gift card to starbucks. I don't drink coffee. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 641
You deserved it 7 654

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, there's tea and pastries there, too, yanno. I always get a Chai when I go there. No reason to be completely thankless.

Ooh, burn! I was tipped with toothbrushes once. Hey cool, number 1 =D


procrastination_ 0

yikes that's no fun. i used to never go to starbucks, then i discovered chai latte's. they're not the best at starbucks, but they're decent.

Well at least the complimented ur service and ya that sucks sorry

Well, you sound like quite the ungrateful bitch.

oh no! Some one liked your food? you poor thing you must feel horrible someone gave you a gift card.... you really felt the need to post this?

wow, people are being really mean! i don't think anyone but a fellow server could understand this... Waiters/waitresses are paid below minimum wage. Tips are expected to be part of your salary. Every once in a while, you'll get a 'verbal tipper,' like the people mentioned here. Verbal tippers are extremely complimentary, and seem to be really sweet people. however, they apparantly think that their kindness is a substitute for money, and that they don't have to leave a decent (or any, for that matter) tip because they were so 'nice.'