By xnj319 - 12/03/2009 14:29 - Canada

Today, I was woken up by the sound of power tools at 6:30am. I stuck my head out my window and yelled at them to shut up. They didn't stop. I walked out the front door to find the bastard. It was firemen. They were sawing down the door of my neighbour's burning house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 079
You deserved it 73 872

xnj319 tells us more.

xnj319 2

There aren't enough words allotted to tell a complete story... My sinuses are ****** in the morning, I can't smell anything until I go blow my nose. It was the neighbour's house across the street, which I can't see from my bedroom. And no, I heard no sirens. I live in a bad neighbourhood and have gotten used to sirens all night long, to the point where they no longer wake me.

Top comments

generalsmith2 0

why the hell would anyone using power tools stop using them because you told them to? fool.

lololololol Damn, people are really critical here. When you're half asleep it's like you're a different person. You have distorted judgment.


as a member of a fire dept, its quite alright. believe me your comments are far from the stupidest that I have heard.

How is this a FML again? Think of the neighbours: "Today my house was burning down. My neighbour stuck her head out the window and started bitching at the fire fighters to shut the hell up. FML."

xnj319 2

Yeah, shit happens I guess. I don't feel too bad about it anymore, turns out there was nobody inside, and it's suspected arson, and it was a suspected crackhouse. What makes it an FML is precisely what the majority of people are mocking me for... the stupid feeling after realizing someone could have been hurt, and there was actually something serious going on. Duh...

Why is this bad? Really no one probably cared or noticed. Even if some did notice and care and you ever see them again you could just tell the truth: you were half asleep and didn't realize what was going on. More to the point, your house didn't burn down.

And the fire trucks didn't wake you up?

zebendyone 0

As if anyone doing their jobs would have stopped just for you. xD Even half asleep, I would have assumed it was construction. Which is, like I said, their job. So they can't just stop.

tehrevenant 0

"Today, my house was on fire. As I watched the house I loved, that my children grew up in, burn to the ground, my neighbor peaked his head out of his window and told the firemen to 'shut up'. They were tearing the door down to try and save my wife and kids. FML."

Haha nobody stops doing anything because some angry idiot yells at them to do so. Even if it was construction, do you think the guys using the power tools make their schedules, no. They couldn't just "stop".

xnj319 2

OMG I had no idea there were so many people in the world who are capable of thinking rationally when they are woken up unexpectedly!