By boyo - 21/05/2009 09:48 - United Kingdom

Today, I was visiting my sick grandmother in the hospital when my cousin and I were playing in some empty wheelchairs. After goofing off I said, "They're fun, but I would kill myself if I was in a wheelchair." A little boy rounded the corner and said, "Tell me about it." He was in a wheelchair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 317
You deserved it 82 052

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i think its fine, i mean its not like you are making fun of him. i mean he probably felt that way before?

thats not nice to say....but most of people do believe that, u just said it out loud what a lot of people are thinking


lilcuti3pi389 0

I've said that before.. But def not in front of anyone in a wheel chair. :[

Dude, you're in a hospital. How did it not occur to you that people on wheelchairs would be there? You deserve it. Exercise more caution.

#4 - you should grace us with your out-of-this-world FML posts.

idontgiveone 0

Way to diss people in wheelchairs.

pancakelover 0

Why would you say that in a hospital, when there are quite a few people in wheelchairs?

TheCookieCrumb 0

eff you!! I hope you have to get a wheelchair and kill yourself

omgitsseejay 0

Um, WOW... why would you say that when there are a lot of sick kids and adults around?

candii_fml 0

you deserved ittt....... bigg timeeee

ch_kisama 0 time think before you speak and remember karma's a bitch