By lean_mean_meme_machine - 10/12/2016 19:07 - United States - Tampa

Today, I was visiting my grandma who has a beagle named Max. He was so excited to see me, he jumped on my face and peed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 392
You deserved it 695

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just think, if the dog weren't named Max, all of this could've been avoided.

"Today, I was visiting my grandma" Ah, interesting. I wonder how the grandmother will fit into this… "who has a beagle named Max. " Huh, I wonder how the name will be relevant… "… he jumped on my face and peed. FML" Oh. That was useful info.


How did a dog get on your face again?

"Today, I was visiting my grandma" Ah, interesting. I wonder how the grandmother will fit into this… "who has a beagle named Max. " Huh, I wonder how the name will be relevant… "… he jumped on my face and peed. FML" Oh. That was useful info.

a young kid wrote it probably just chill..

oh good point never thought of it like that im sorry i overreacted..

Just think, if the dog weren't named Max, all of this could've been avoided.

Or if the dog was OP's grandpa's not grandma's.

If Max were a Jack Russell Terrier, I'd believe he could jump on his face and pee. But, a beagle? Only when Snoopy was on his flying doghouse has a beagle flown high enough to pee in someone's face.

A Golden Shower from a pet. Hummm. Normally this is on a mid-priced disk. FYL just for your reputation.

If it makes you feel any better, my grandfathers dog jumped on me and puked, this caused my grandfather to yell at me for provoking him....