By FishStampede - 16/05/2009 12:11 - Korea Republic of

Today, I was visiting a national park and went for a swim. Afterwards, I needed to change clothes but the bathrooms were closed. I went off into the woods to change. As soon as I was naked, I heard hooves and sixteen people on horseback rode by. I'd stripped by a horse trail. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 945
You deserved it 18 710

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey, I'm an American too. I thoughtfully admit we are pretty damn stupid sometimes.

loveyababe 0

smooth! hahahaha at least they breezed by quickly.


At least you didn't spook the horses. You'd have bucking broncos stampeding through the woods and unhorsed riders looking to you for an explanation.

#5 - Fail. God loves everyone [: Yeaah. Just had to make that point *laughs*

LOL! Oops! Embarrassing for you. Lucky for them? ;-)

maggie_gxx 0

you all take the fmls so seriously... gosh its FUNNY. no need to hate.

Trooth 13

how can they just close a bathroom at a national park?! That's just asking people to pee in the woods.

Lol #34 #40, how do you know the OP drove to the park? Maybe she didn't bring her car...? Don't assume...

BB_baby 0

damn so what? be proud of your body! not ashamed!

Jack_4194 1

How could you not realize that trails are traveled? Clearly if you wanted privacy you should've left the trail.