By thicklysettled - 20/07/2009 04:04 - United States

Today, I was talking to the girl I've liked for 2 years. We were assigned partners for a History project so we were going to work on it at my house. When she asked me for directions, I told her I lived on Woodcock Road. She yelled slapped me and stormed off. I was serious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 528
You deserved it 3 377

Same thing different taste

Top comments

heyyou1203 0

why do women think it's ok to slap men?? if a man slaps a woman it's abuse or domestic violence. (i'm a woman, btw)

Show her a street directory with the street on it. Weird name of a road though!


dg72592_fml 0

Hahaha wow... wayyy over reaction there. I would've laughed

dan11 0

i feel your pain dude. i live on crookedstick. the street across from me is ballybunion. no joke.

LOOOL, my friend lives along a street called Woodcock Ave and its right by this other street called Biggs Dr LOOOL

I seriously had a professor last year that had the last name of "Woodcock." Man, that poor guy musta been teased like crazy growing up.

rfarock88 0

dude, you live on what has to be the WORST named street I've ever heard of.

My best friends last name is woodcock. There's another kid at my school with the last name moorman, Theres a joke. What do you get when Woodcok & moorman meet in the hall? More man ****.

Show her your license/ID since it has your address on it.

Woodcock road? AWESOME!!! If a guy said that to me though, I probably wouldn't slap him unless he was a jerk, a perv, or a friend of mine. I would be like "Seriously?" LOL. FYL.