By sabbydutchgirl - 25/08/2009 18:52 - United States

Today, I was supposed to be picked up by my date. I haven't got my license yet, so all my dates have to pick me up. He never showed. He also didn't bother to text or call that he wasn't coming. Neither did the five other dates I was supposed to have this summer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 647
You deserved it 9 774

sabbydutchgirl tells us more.

sabbydutchgirl 0

First of all, I am 19. I don't have my license because I have nobody at home who will take me driving. My dad works 3 jobs and my mom doesn't want me to leave and move out. Secondly, my 6 dates are between 2 guys. For the first guy, we'd set a date, he wouldn't show, and then we'd chat and THEN he'd give me some excuse. After 2 missed dates I let 2 months go by and we'd try again. For the second guy, he had legit excuses for missing and understandably explained them to me later. He at least apologized for missing. But still, 6 dates planned this summer and not one of them happened and I was completely in the dark when it came time for them to show up. I take full blame for allowing myself to think that maybe they'd show next time. When trapped at home, any chance to get out is reason for hope, even if its with a jerk. I'm also sorry to disappoint some of you, but I'm neither a HO nor a ****. I'm just a very foolish, lonely person.

Top comments

Sabs, I'm so sorry. You're going to have to stay over more often so I can let you drive the car rather than the van. You'll find someone eventually. So, want to take classes at main in the spring? It should widen your options. And, for everyone else. I can think of nothing more than Sab wants more than to get her liscense, a job, and the hell out. But, she is the baby of the family and the only girl and her mom can be a lot on the controlling side. I know all about it. I'm married to her brother.

im so sorry you had to go through that :(


Marketgirl305 0

uhhhh yea, either all the dates knew eah other and gave each other a headd up or yoi really didnt have any dates this summer

Are you giving guy the wrong number?

JellyBellie89 0

You Deserved It for being a HO!

JellyBellie89 0

#2. haha thats funny its all "im sorry you shouldnt be put through that" and then "maybe you shouldnt be ugly"

That really is awful...stood-up as many times as that

quit acting like a ho and get a license!

StealthStorm67 0

I'm from Cleveland Ohio Sir! GAWSH! Well thanks for praising my ladies at least. But seriously, 6 dates in a row? You need a new tactic honey.

Anonchick 0

Today, I read a stupid FML about some girl getting stood up 6 times. FML

Today, I read about a thousand stupid FMLs about girls complaining about their days. FML I mean, maybe this scenario should tell you something, OP. God damn, being stood up six time would surely send any sane person a message.

xD Impeccable logic. LMAO. Your summer sucked. Next summer, be the driver.