By Anonymous - 18/04/2009 21:12 - United States

Today, I was responsible for taking care of Hoppers, the rabbit belonging to my sons 3rd grade class. Tomorrow my son returns Hoppers so the next student can care for him. That won't be happening because Hoppers hopped out my 5th story window. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 725
You deserved it 15 826

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JustAndrew79 0
_apecakez 0

poor Hoppers. :( maybe, taxiderm him and return him? "YAY! Hoppers is back! why isn't he hopping?" ".. i don't know.."


Poor Hoppers... =((( R.I.P The way you worded it was funny though

xsouthernkiss 0

#2. I laughed too. LMAO. Go out and by an identical rabbit, they won't know the difference.

hahaha, the rabbit pwned himself..... EPIC HOP FAIL!!!! hahaha P.S: i bet he landed on someones head

I think this one's fake... unless you live in an apartment, no houses go up to 5 stories. Also, animals aren't entirely stupid. They don't just randomly jump out of windows. (how did it even get up to the window?)

lol number 2 no i love animals but im laughing also lol

eeee what if u just "replace" the rabbit?

dg72592_fml 0

i guess that's why they call him hoppers! i agree with 48 and 49 though, if you replace him/her with a similar looking rabbit no one will probably notice.

better question: WHY WAS HE NOT IN A CAGE?