By offended - 07/04/2009 06:15 - United States

Today, I was putting the finishing touches on my portrait of a young boy in art class. I asked my teacher if she could help correct the bad parts of my portrait. She said, "Well that would take all day and I just don't have the time." She was serious. I thought this was my best work yet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 441
You deserved it 48

Top comments

maxson_fml 0
deliciouskaek 1

She shouldn't be teaching if she isn't going to be more constructive with her criticisms. =/


At the same time, maybe she's just a very meticulous and careful artist, who would want to go through and help truly make it a really beautiful piece of work. In which case, it would take all day. Most people don't like rushing art, and it can take many, many hours to create a realistic portrait. As a side note, you kinda dropped the ball there, #11...

ouch. dont worry, my art teacher's mean like that too.

Hubblebubble 0

i hate it when that happens, i have my interview to art school tomorrow i had to repaint a hand 4 times and i still dont like it :(

I had a similar situation in high school art class. I'd drawn a person that I thought was good; the teacher put a piece of tracing paper over it to correct my mistakes. She stared at it for a few minutes turning her head from side to side and trying to figure out where to start. Then she crumbled it up and said, "ok new rule you aren't allowed to draw people in my class anymore. Just stick to fish, flowers and birds you can do that, just draw me a nice fish."

how do you know your portrait was even bad? sometimes art teachers are more critical of students who are better artists because they know you have the potential to be GREAT and are willing to point out every little thing that could be improved. if it really was bad, she probably would have let all the little details go and just focused on a few of your bigger problems. just a thought.

Not trying to be hiswav (urban dictionary), but I've noticed that's usually the case from experience. A teacher is a lot more critical to people with actual potential, and a bit more loose when it comes to kids who can't even draw a contour face...

princesskitten 0

This is definitely true. My art professors tend to be more picky with students who are more talented, and more lenient with the ones who aren't so great, as long as they know that they tried. On the other hand... I'm not sure if this is the case with the OP. xD But the important thing is always how you feel about your work, not how other people feel. If you think it's good, be proud! OP, try not to feel too bad. Everyone starts out sucky at drawing. Just keep practicing and watch yourself get better and better.

This is why I consider art classes to be a crock of shit. Never mind the fact that you're not really exploring your own talents or getting to experiment with mediums, as you're conforming to one person's standards and drawing what they tell you, restricted to the medium you're allowed to use. It wasn't SO bad in college, but middle and high school? Art classes are a crock of shit.

Subjective art is subjective. It could be the best potrait ever and she could still think it's bad.

snoopy24_fml 0

art teachers don't know anything, esp in high school...i had an art teacher tell me i didn't know how to fold a sheet of paper in half correctly.

That's why I stick to the printmaking class... Because 1) You don't have to have insane 3D-shading, realistic looking art skills 2) The amount of work you put in = quality of the final product

randall_doak 4

Yeah, print making is definately the way to go.... It keeps things really basic, but you can still make it look great if you're careful and put in the time and effort.