By divorced - 07/03/2009 20:15 - United States

Today, I was picking up my daughter from my ex-husband's house and his new girlfriend was there. I said to my daughter that it was time to leave and she clung to his girlfriend and said, "Mommy, I don't want to leave." She wasn't talking to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 151 089
You deserved it 10 446

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you can probably blame your ex-husband for that

that's horrible!! i feel so bad for you. hope things work out


flufflybuttons 4

YDI if your that bad of a mom

nephist 0

that sucks but if she is treating her right and your daughter knows that you are her mother i wouldnt worry about it to much. this stuff happens a lot when kids are involve in a divorce. my wife had a kid from a previous marriage and he calls me dad. his father handles it pretty good and he is a self center asswhole. if he can handle his son calling someone else dad then anyone can handle it

krisanda 5

I'm a mom of two girls. What you just described is my idea of hell. Sorry for you.

I had to ask my boyfriend to make sure that his kids did not call me mommy, I felt so bad for their biological mom every time i heard it. Its not that i don't love them, I do as if they were my own, but I feel like it is rude to allow your children to call anyone outside of their birth parents mom or dad. If you're single she may not want to go home just because she misses the family dynamic of dad + a woman.

So sorry no parent deserves that!! Hopefully things will change for your situation!!

That's when you leave her there, let them have the joy of raising a child instead of letting them keep their little utopia of weekend parenting while doing what they want at all other times, and you can have your own life! Then when your daughter sees what life is really like with them, she'll want to come crawling back to her own mother. Go see that movie She-Devil, and you'll get the idea. ;)

Looks like she's being well taken care of.

thatonetribute 31