By Anonymous - 31/07/2010 15:03 - United States

Today, I was meeting my husband's old friends at his 20 year high school reunion. He introduced me as his 'friend from work' to his ex girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 566
You deserved it 3 746

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hump_Zilla 0

get drunk flash all of his friends run around acting like a fool talk about his penis size to everyone you meet

iamepiclee 3

what a fuckn douche bag, I would of just come out and said something. ydi for not speaking up and letting him do what he pleases!


funny_amanda 0
ConstantLetDown4 0

damn, thats a douche move for real. i'd be WAYY pissed.

rubyliu8420 7

that's when u shoulda punched him in the face.

kc15 0

you should have started jackin g him off under the table and been like "am i still a friend from work baby?" lol

You should have laughed and said "LOL he really means I'm his WIFE". Or smack him upside the head and say "actually I'm his wife of X years".

obvisiously you let yourself go op, because she sounds like his ex gf still looks good and doesnt want to refer to as his wife because you dont look better than her. get to working on it op

Plasencia09 0

Can you say Divorce? Clearly if a man doesn't pride himself in announcing his wife he should not have one.

KingAdrock 16

You should have gone around to everyone else and introduce yourself as his "wife of X years" but mention he's calling you his "friend from work". All his old high school friends would now think he's a class A asshole.