By Anonymous - 31/07/2010 15:03 - United States

Today, I was meeting my husband's old friends at his 20 year high school reunion. He introduced me as his 'friend from work' to his ex girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 566
You deserved it 3 746

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hump_Zilla 0

get drunk flash all of his friends run around acting like a fool talk about his penis size to everyone you meet

iamepiclee 3

what a fuckn douche bag, I would of just come out and said something. ydi for not speaking up and letting him do what he pleases!


right after the " friend from work" comment, you should have chimed in saying " yeppers, he's got the recipe!... I swear! and I get all the long weekends I want off... KFC rocks!.. He does too.. if you discount the the PI issue... but I'm sure you know about that" *extend arm to shake hands with friendly smile on face*

I love how so many people are saying to dop him/dump him. he's a husband, you have a commitment to him. She can't just LEAVE him and say that's that. and to divorse would be just dumb. I doubt he would have just surprisingly done something like that. He must have shown hints about the way he is before. You should have gotten to know him better before marrying him. and if this is the first time he has ever done something like this, just talk to him. Why can't people talk things out? Why does everyone just have to dump or leave the person on the spot?

drop him/dump him* And to clarify better, I mean that if he said something like that to a chick he may be interested in, that might not be a surprise. He must have a bit of flirtatiousness in his everyday character (I.e. checking out other women) But hey, it could be just as simple as him suddenly having lost feelings for her again?

JokeMeister 0

If you didn't immediately slap the shit out of him, you didn't mind and it will happen again. If he says that while you're standing right next to him, what does he say when you're not....

bleigh 0

beautiful marriage, you can tell right there. do you let him beat you too?

You should have told the woman that he is going through a nasty divorce. Hopefully he would get the clue.

YDI for going to a class reunion, even if it was his.

spd2fst4u 5

lol, the guy still wants to get with his ex from 20 years ago! SCORE!

Tauren 0

Wooooo lawd that's funny! Did you get fat?