By youwouldbeacat - 28/04/2009 02:38 - United States

Today, I was making a nacho and grabbed some refried beans that were in a plastic container out of the fridge and put them on top of the chips. After I’m completely done eating my mom looks in the fridge and asked me if I knew where the cat food was. I just ate a small can of cat food. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 744
You deserved it 53 563

Same thing different taste

Top comments

truslide 0

1. Some cat food is really good. 2. Some beans are really bad. /I believe


@6: LOL But srsly, how would you not know the difference between refried beans and cat food?

DCS1138 0

Let me ask you something: were you dropped on your head as a baby?

DeeJayD 0

#16: Maybe re-fried beans smells a lot like cat food. I mean, it is Mexican food after all.

Cougar_Balls 0

The words on the outside of the container probably told you exactly what you were about to eat. Learn to read.

olhosverdes 0

it's ok i was fooled to eat dog food, and from a can it's not that bad :)

MessOfADreamer 0

Reason number 765 why baked beans are inappropriate for human consumption - you can't tell the difference between them and cat food. Gross.

a "can" of catfood in a plastic container lrn2sense

xLovey 3

And this is why I don't eat refried beans.