By Meowingtons500 - 28/11/2011 04:02 - Canada

Today, I was looking through some old family pictures for a scrapbook I'm making. I found images of my dad passed out in his underwear, my great-grandpa having a drunken bath, and an unidentified moustachioed man sitting on the toilet, giving the photographer the finger. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 583
You deserved it 3 140

Meowingtons500 tells us more.

Think Mario moustache + typical Saskatchewanian redneck man with a 80's trucker hat and you gots it.:)

Top comments

There is always that random mustache guy in pictures...

enonymous 8

I do not deny that I was in this photo


Bad news the mustachioed is your real father

I swear some people will click YDI for ANYTHING. -____-

I believe you have the wrong site sir, this belongs on MLIA.

decidedlyvague 11
laboa86 0

I have family pics like that too

shrdlu 28

Have you considered picking up some extra money by blackmailing them?

Your family sounds like a good time, stop hating and start appreciating!

As long as it's for someone then it's ok. But if a guy actually dresses up for no reason on a daily basis it's kinda weird