By OrlandoZ6 - 25/05/2009 16:48 - United States

Today, I was laying down on my couch. My friend IM's me on my laptop to watch a video. It turned out that the video was one of those scary pop up's. I got so scared I dropped my laptop. The screen had a big crack. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 524
You deserved it 10 661

Same thing different taste

Top comments

why do some people click YDI for no reason... some people are more jumpy than others. I pranked a few people with those, some jumped and screamed, and some didnt even make any face expression.


Yeah those are so annoying. This is the worst one I've seen

oooh was it that car one? my friend sent thatti me but another friend warned me that it was scary and hes never really scared so i didnt watch it xD the first time saw one of those i screamed, ran into the other room and jumped onto my sister whicj caused the chair she was on the fall over

oh and #97 i id the maze one at my friends on her laptop and she dropped it xD

oh and guys btw he cudda had t on his like thighs and moved his knees and smash goes the laptop

renyark209 0

Thats why you read the comments before watching the video (if there are any). You didnt deserve it, because sone people are just more jumpy than others. And its completely understandable. FYL

fml... just coz i've been terrified to death by some of those things. now, everytime i watch a random vid online, i always let it load then move the tab to make sure that the exorcist girl wont come get me.

First time i saw one of those i was ten years old. that traumatized me for life. NO JOKE FYL.

_Tigress_ 0

#116 same happened to me now before i watch a video i look through the comments

oh duuuude!!! I get super scared of those things tooooooo!!!!

I would kill them If I were u, no I'm not kidding, my laptop is my life (yes I kno how pathic tht sounds)

FreakingFYou 13

How did you drop your laptop if you were laying down?