By wait..what - 22/09/2009 05:15 - United States

Today, I was in class just taking notes and minding my own business. The teacher has already called my parents twice complaining about me. As we are taking 3 pages of notes she grabs mine and rips them up, saying that she is sick and tired of me drawing. I was drawing the graphs on the board. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 701
You deserved it 3 435

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Man your teacher sounds like a bitch.. I had a teacher rip my work up too.. then I took her on a guilt trip and she gave me an A.


9az00 0

Lol Bunny. We had an old aide at my High School named Bunny. Same thing, she was named Bunny because she was a playmate back in the day. Wonder if it's the same woman. OP: That sucks. I was the troublemaker in school as well, so everyone thought I was up to something. My advice, make her feel like shit in front of everyone, and if she doesn't take kindly to that and sends you to the principals office, rat her ass out! Don't know if I would have done the same though...maybe just rat her ass out.

Jessaly_fml 0

Even if you were drawing, there'd be nothing wrong with that...I'm a visual person and I love art, so sometimes instead of writing notes I'll just draw a picture and I remember it better. I've done it in math, too. It's just using your learning style to your fact a lot of teachers like that I do that. But this bitch? If I were you I'd draw several pictures of how you envision her death scene...and don't be afraid to go crazy.

I was surprised by this until I realized it took place in Alabama...

likeomgwhat 0

well it sounds like your a trouble maker, she had some kind of right to assume you were doodling in class

iI I were you, I'd just never write notes in that class again, just to piss her off.

that is why you say "**** off bitch they're my notes" as soon as she takes your paper

kagexp 4

My school makes major speeches about how the students shouldn't put each other in "boxes". The teachers however are the most resentful bunch I have ever met. /Manly PMS/ The asshole teachers take things too personally. I can't stand that. Like I was sitting with my computer typing pretty fast and got yelled at (yes yelled) because it looked like I was gaming. Even though the bitch was wrong she still asks me to sit in front so she can see what I'm doing. /Manly PMS over/ Bah, FYL for being in her class.

On a 20 page essay I forgot ONE comma and she gave me a C. A C!!! I asked her wtf and she gave me an F for "sassing" her. Then proceeded to rip up my essay. In front of the whole class. While telling them how "stupid" I am. Then everyone laughed. I. Was. PISSED.

wow. crazy much? she must seriously hate you..