By the girl next door - 07/05/2013 05:10 - United States - Maryland Heights

Today, I was in a bathroom stall and I accidentally dropped my new tampon on the ground. Just as I was about to reach for it, I heard a voice on the other side of the stall say, "Oh great, I needed that" and then a hand reached under my stall and grabbed it. It was my last one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 820
You deserved it 5 070

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Please tell me the tampon was still in the wrapper


irishgal13 5

ewww if it touches the floor you shouldn't use it....

39- Don't worry, OP didn't get the chance to use it.

Bleed on them and everything they cherish.

This is why lady bathrooms should have that "take a penny, leave a penny" policy with tampons and pads. Wads of toilet paper in your cooch are terrible. Sorry OP

monnanon 13

how does take a penny leave a penny work? wjy would you take one if you had enough to leave one. do you take when yoy need and give back next time you can? we dont have TAPLAP in the uk so i am truly wondering.

You deserve it for not speaking up and saying that it's yours/asking for it back. How was she to know it hadn't been lying there for a while and then she just noticed it? Rude on her part, but you should've spoken up.

Because OP said she dropped it and the hand reached under her stall before she could pick it up. That doesn't leave a lot of time for the person to assume it had been there ages. Especially as she had to have been looking under the stall and would have seen OPs feet there.

The wrappers on tampons are quite noisy too. She would have heard op handling it and it hitting the floor.

Quiet_one 22

That's what I would've done. Sounds like this bitch needs a good hand-stomping.

I wouldn't use it anyway. I don't care if it was in the wrapper or not. That's just ******* gross. Most of them don't come in plastic wrappers. I won't use one that's been in my purse for over a week.

I've never seen tampons that don't come in wrappers, and if I did I wouldn't buy them!

I was referring to paper wrappers not the Tampax Pearl style.

Please explain how it would be gross to use a wrapped tampon the fell on the floor for a couple of seconds. I'm sure you would have no problem using it if that was your last one. Otherwise, you're saying you'd rather sit in your own blood!

If you had been in the bathroom I was in this weekend... Ughhhh. I still think it's gross. I would use the toilet paper and find a dispenser. I can't explain it but I just think it's so nasty. The thought of it makes me shiver. However, I'm more of a pad girl anyway.

m_n_m2000 5

If that happened to me... I would have busted out my creepy voice and said "don't make me angry... You won't like me when I'm angry" and then made some freakish alien noises...

OP, next time, forbid there be a next time, stomp on the persons hand and before releasing them make sure your business is done so you can confront them when they leave the stall, then throat punch them.