By roundemup - 11/02/2010 02:33 - United States

Today, I was helping some neighbors corral and tag their cattle. Deciding to take a break, I turned my back to all 3 men and jumped down from an old, rusty gate. Luckily, the sharp piece of metal sticking out of it barely missed my skin. Instead it tore off the ass of both my pants and undies. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 668
You deserved it 5 212

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ouch. that sucks. I've done that in front of my brother-in-law.


purplemnm 9
perdix 29

After your neighbors saw "Brokeback Mountain," they realized why cowgirl ass doesn't do anything for them. You're safe.

perdix 29

Of course, if you want a red-hot poker in your sweet cheeks, come on down to Texas;)

purplemnm 9

this is fake as shit. people who corral and tag don't write like that. period.

LOL You kind of jumped into that one, OP. Ouch.

OP, I feel sorry for you. I would also prefer to be analy raped by a rusty spike than have 3 men see my ass. FYL.

you've been watching way too many cowboy movies.

Kylias 6

... Would you rather have landed on it?

That's too bad. Why didn't they make the work area safe before working the cattle?

that is ******* hot you just basicley took ur pants off in front of 3 guys