By shiiiiit - 15/11/2009 09:23 - United States

Today, I was having trouble blowing out the last of the several candles on my bedside table. Exasperated, I blew as hard as I could, which sent hot wax from the other candles shooting into the air, all over my face and into my eyes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 167
You deserved it 12 523

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wait, if you were BLOWING how did it end up back on your face..? oh, and by the way, very original name OP.. :P


southpointchrysl 0

thats happened to me. it doesn't hurt.

kaytwiztid 0

omg my bf did tht a few days ago after a romantic night least ur face smells good now :)

I feel like this is a fake. I don't know why, but I don't think I would be spending time on my computer after having hot wax IN my eyes. From what I've heard, you're supposed to go to the hospital with that.

Maybe she went to the hospital and THEN submitted the FML? Where does it say she decided to write the FML while she still had the wax in her eyes?

YDI for putting candles on a bedside table.

tahoegirl93 0

I hope you're okay? Did you see a doctor?

This sounds more like a **** story, rather than a FML

Haha that happens to me all the time at work !

ydi...who keeps several candles by their bed