By Anonymous - 09/03/2017 04:00

Today, I was giving my one-year-old a bath. I'd finished washing her, so she started to play and splash. When I went to lift her out of the tub, I slipped and busted my kneecaps on the side. Guess who sat there and laughed hysterically as I cried out in agony. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 163
You deserved it 599

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I imagine it looked like a scene out of looney tunes or something which is likely why the baby was laughing.


We'll be looking for a sadistic dominatrix in about 20 years.

I'm guessing you weren't the one laughing.

I imagine it looked like a scene out of looney tunes or something which is likely why the baby was laughing.

species4872 19

Don't feel so bad that she laughed, she can't tell the difference between pain and fun, your agony is just a game to her, Babies think anything unusual is a game. Hope you haven't damaged your kneecaps too bad.

I wouldn't care that she laughed. At that age, I used to laugh at my own poo.

Symantha23 25

Why do babies always seem to find people getting hurt funny?? My baby cousin laughs hysterically if someone gets hurt

Human brain development is weird and the kids mostly think it's funny at first because they just see the event and how we react to it as amusing. Most of them continue doing so for a while as their brain develops and they are exposed to slapstick-type comedy. Some kids who are empathy-blunted or otherwise atypical may always find any case of people being hurt funny.

species4872 19

This is why Looney Tunes was so successful.

Argeope 3

My roommate has a video of our daughter laughing hysterically as I puked my brains out. Due to my recently(at the time) broken spine I had to lay there puking into a garbage bag by my bed