By jerdub93 - 19/11/2011 08:40 - United States

Today, I was eating cereal while absentmindedly reading the box. I was amused when I found it expires on my birthday. Then I realized it expired on my birthday two years ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 100
You deserved it 28 358

Same thing different taste

Top comments

every1luvsboners 11

Hey, wait, my Rice Krispies are moving.

sunsetsbetween56 3

Must have been good for you to keep eating it..


Cereals, soda, cookies etc... They don't expire. They just lose taste, or go stale. If it didn't taste weird, then they were perfectly good..

joee182 3

how do you not realize a box of cereal sitting there for two years? and dont you ever clean out your cabinets?

Mickaylah 0

Next time read the shit you eat before actually eating it.

It's cereal. It doesn't ******* expire.

Mickaylah 0

Lol, Are You Comment On Every Damn Thing I Post?Jealous Much?Damn Smfh.

Actually, I had no idea you were the same person. I don't usually check out the username/picture before I post. Are you really that conceited? You only wish I'd comment on every post of yours. I comment on those I have a reply to.

Mickaylah, you seem a little self-absorbed. Just because someone commented on a few of your posts doesn't mean anything.

Doesnt matter, theres enough preservatives in that cereal to mummify a small hampster. Just be weary of any abdominal pain.

Green frosted Flakes, now part of a balanced breakfast!

chengy4191 7

It didn't taste bad? That should b ur first clue