By sm@rtie - 03/01/2009 08:38 - France

Today, I was eating at a nice restaurant. Feeling curious, I daringly asked for the surprise "Maiden's Dream" dessert. The waiter came back with a banana between two balls of ice-cream on a plate, and no spoon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 680
You deserved it 8 274

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, I can't believe how cocky they are! That's pretty epic of them to be that ballsy. I can't believe you didn't go off half-cocked! How far did you manage to get it? I'm utterly dick at making these kinds of jokes. Were there at least nuts on it? I've got tons more, I could probably go on for a while, but I think I'll stop. =]

Eir_fml 1

Ask for a spoon anyway, if it's a big deal. Otherwise, just be amused. People take things too seriously sometimes.


fan111 0
skiBOAT 0

FYL? Honestly? Ask for a spoon and get on with your life.

shnibz101 0

Omg I read this a half an hour ago and I am still laughing Compliments to the chef!

kitsuneluvuh 12

Yeah, I'm sure the chef worked hard to put that together. XD

sounds like my kinda desert. *schlurps*

dude what resturant?!? I wanna send a pic to all my friends!!

SusanaSaysRawrxD 0
LaPoeziaAmantino 0

Thanks for sharing this story. It really made my day. XD Also, #31, you need to get a sense of humour, seriously. It's not like every single one of us laughs every time we see a penis. It's a normal part of the human body. But if a nice restaurant brought me a dessert that was shaped like a penis, most of us would find that pretty funny, myself included. I'm not ashamed to admit it or anything. And just because the rest of us are able to laugh at this, that doesn't make us immature or stupid. That just makes us... well, quite frankly, not close-minded pricks like you. By the way, it's called an opinion. I'm entitled to it, thanks.