By sm@rtie - 03/01/2009 08:38 - France

Today, I was eating at a nice restaurant. Feeling curious, I daringly asked for the surprise "Maiden's Dream" dessert. The waiter came back with a banana between two balls of ice-cream on a plate, and no spoon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 680
You deserved it 8 274

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, I can't believe how cocky they are! That's pretty epic of them to be that ballsy. I can't believe you didn't go off half-cocked! How far did you manage to get it? I'm utterly dick at making these kinds of jokes. Were there at least nuts on it? I've got tons more, I could probably go on for a while, but I think I'll stop. =]

Eir_fml 1

Ask for a spoon anyway, if it's a big deal. Otherwise, just be amused. People take things too seriously sometimes.


EmilyKitten9 0

FYL?! Seriously!? NO F mine because I didn't get one!


the irony, I vote your life SUCK *wink wink*

MrChocolateburri 0

LMFAO! that is the funniest thing I've read on here in awhile.

you should have asked so they are this big well time to dump my bf

smashu112 0
lehmuffin 0

Desert? Why would you ask for a desert?! I would have much preferred a dessert instead if I were you!:)

starkidkitty 5

Hahahahahahaha that's such a classy joint