By ouchmytits - 28/03/2011 06:42 - United States

Today, I was cooking, and I took a pot of boiling water to the sink to drain. My pot holder slipped, and the boiling water spilled all over my breasts. Second degree boob burns are bad, but losing half a nipple to potato salad is worse. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 736
You deserved it 4 577

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Now when you flash your boobs it will look like they are winking!

FMLephant 2

One pound of potatoes, boiled and peeled, mayonnaise, celery, dill weed, a little mustard, and half a nipple. Season to taste.


gmc_blossom 21

Pendatik and DocBastard never fail to make me smile with their comments. They comment on practically ever FML. But yes, FYL OP.

mismonroe 0

You obviously need a new potato salad recipe.

ThickHead 0

ydi, never hold anything towards your body