By saywhat - 26/11/2010 03:28 - United States

Today, I was at my boyfriend's house for dinner with his family. His mom cooked up a steak dinner, except that I'm a vegan, but trying to be a good girlfriend, I forced it down. Upon his mother finding out I was a vegan, she called me "disloyal to my beliefs." FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 263
You deserved it 39 750

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Uh oh, now the Vegan Police are gonna come to take away your vegan powers!

I bet that wasn't the only thing that was forced down your throat that night HIO!


ydi for being a vegan. pointless as being a vegetarian or gay. both stupid phases in life

You were just trying to be a good girlfriend, I see no wrong YLS

it really makes me giggle seeing how some of these people are claiming "vegans are for pussys and it's 'retarted'". first of all, it's retarded with a d, not a t. second, referring to a vegan to a mentally disabled person is just pure discriminative and dumb. as a vegan, I would never force my beliefs down anybodys throat. however, this girl isn't a true vegan. she ate the nastiest meat and most harmful to the body. she deserves this. I would never in a million years eat a steak and I would definitely not eat one to suck up to someones parents in order to achieve a relationship that may not even last. stupid.