By vlcardenx3 - 12/03/2011 21:11 - United States

Today, I was at Aéropostale with some friends when I noticed a woman glaring at me. When we got to the checkout, the woman still had her eyes on me, so I asked why she was staring. She snapped, "If you had kept your legs closed, you wouldn't be pregnant." I'm not pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 582
You deserved it 6 148

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And if she kept her mouth shut she wouldn't look like an asshole and a moron.

You could've replied with, "And if your mother kept her legs closed, you wouldn't be such a ****." Also, someone who's fat looks very different from someone who's pregnant. Not only is she a bitch, she's a stupid bitch. She needs to look at her life, and look at her choices.


Even if you were pregnant, she had no right to tell you what to do. It does not even concern her. Sounds like someone doesn't know what professionalism means. Nor does she know how to be in customer service.

shouldn't she know what PREGNANT looks like? hopefully she's shopping in there for her kid, not herself.

people these days, I swear just once I wish people would seriously shut their mouths and not interfere in other people's lives

moomoomeow2 7

Even if you were pregnant, that's not something SHE SHOULD WASTE HER TIME ON!

monnanon 13

What a cow, she was obviously looking for someone to affirm her sad pitiful view of the world. Op i wouldn't worry, you know she is wrong and so does your family and friends, the woman just well and truly embarrased herself.

I dont care who you are she basically called you fat, i would have smacked her face in for being a nosy bitch

and it would be her business because.....?

EXACTLY! Every story on FML like this, the old lady gets it through her head that she is doing a service dispensing her opinions about who should get pregnant, when, in reality, she is making an asshole bitch of herself.

I think he ment, even if she was pregnant it has nothing to do with anyone else but her and the baby daddy. So the lady is crazy

i would have punched that lady right in the face

thats so rude!!! next time ask her if she has twins