By suckatlifeeexo - 25/04/2009 05:44 - United States

Today, I was at a swim meet. I was on a relay team and I was the anchor. My team was in 1st. I was ready to dive in when I saw my tampon string was hanging out of my suit. I freaked, slid off the block, and fell on top of the guy before me and gave him a concussion. We got DQed for a false start FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 423
You deserved it 17 021

Same thing different taste

Top comments

washburn_fml 0

#1 I'm glad your life goal is now complete. OP: You deserve it. Sorry, but if you're going to put yourself in any kind of high pressure situation with others counting on you like that, you gotta get over little things like tampon strings.

LOL. #1 your a jerk. anyway, that sucks, but if your a girl, how did you fall on top of a guy? girls and guys dont swim relays together. anyway its not like you could do anything about it right before you dove off, so it woulda just been easier to swim the whole thing and tuck it back in when you finished and were still in the water. its not that big of a deal i mean everyone knows girls have to wear tampons when they swim.


Serafie 0

Hm? There are co-ed races? I didn't know that. o.o But bleh, sorry for your loss. I swim, I know how awful it feels to be DQ'd on the last leg of the race. D:

klass123 0

where do you swim that you have competitive co-ed relay teams?

wow im gald that never happens to me and #4 its possible for her to swim in a guy relay, because they may not have had enough guys. guys just cant swim in girl relays. like how younger girls can swim in older girl relays, but older girls cant move down. Its kind of confusing but that sucks.

SurpriseButtseks 0

I just don't understand why you would freak about your tampon string. You should have just left it until the race was over and you could fix it. I bet no one would have noticed it.

That's like 2 FMLs - your tampon string was hanging out (which I thought would be the punchline), and then you freaked and fell on top of a guy. I guess I could understand your freaking out, but all you had to do was sneakily adjust your bathing suit.

you are stupid you probably suck at swimming anyways

theshewolf 0

Do yourself a favor and get a menstrual cup.

YDI. Guys should just leave girls hygienic necessities alone.

did you all of a sudden think that people could see clearly through water?