By Anon - 26/05/2009 17:45 - United Kingdom

Today, I was at a mall. A woman stopped by me, said slowly and loudly, in Spanish "baño?" Knowing a bit of Spanish, I nodded and pointed the restrooms out for her. She then mutters about "dang Mexicans and their inability to speak English". I'm not even Latina. I'm Irish-American. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 081
You deserved it 4 168

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FHL. That was your opportunity to tell her how much of a racist **** she is in plain English.

waxstigmata 0

what a sad and pathetic life she must live, don't worry, bad things tend to happen to people like that


shroomis 0

#63 your a tool shes a prejudice **** i completely agree with #3

that is the most hilarious thing I've ever heard!!

itsgen 16

**** that rasist bitch! and you should of said something to her!! you would of made her feel sooo stupid

i have a friend who's half-black and people think she looks mexican. so i can kind of see how people think that. but irish?????? that's a little strange.

69, LOLL. Someone said that for real?? Damn, people can be stupid. OP: That lady is an idiot.

xThatRandomGirlx 0

What a ******* racist bitch! This stuff happens to my dad all the time. He's Italian-American and regularly has Latinos and even Arabs come up to him and start talking in their languages.

gigi_bella 0

This is semi-related to your post, and I just thought I'd share. :) My dad is also Italian-American, and he went into an Itslian bakery once, where all the workers spoke Italian. The workers said to each other, in Italian, "What the hell is a Mexican doing in here?" My dad responded, in Italian... very mean things. :)

One thing you can at least be happy about : your tan ;)

wxblaze 0

LOL what a nice lady XD But Yay for being Irish!