By Anon - 26/05/2009 17:45 - United Kingdom

Today, I was at a mall. A woman stopped by me, said slowly and loudly, in Spanish "baño?" Knowing a bit of Spanish, I nodded and pointed the restrooms out for her. She then mutters about "dang Mexicans and their inability to speak English". I'm not even Latina. I'm Irish-American. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 083
You deserved it 4 168

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FHL. That was your opportunity to tell her how much of a racist **** she is in plain English.

waxstigmata 0

what a sad and pathetic life she must live, don't worry, bad things tend to happen to people like that


bahahaha. well, congrats on looking like a mexican!

wotchersarah 0

I would have said something in english to her about how rude it is to assume that people can only speak one language.

you should have said in English "RESTROOMS ARE THAT WAY" FYL

#3 has a point. You could have told her off. I'm Irish/Polish/American. Do you even look like you're from Latin America? What a stupid ******* bitch she is.

ohhhhshizzz 0

I would have just asked her, BATHROOM? Really loud, and slow like she was retarded. Then her face would be priceless. Or just be like walk up to her in the bathroom, and say hey what are you doing for St. Patty's day this year? I was thinking about going back home to Ireland. [flame me for assuming] Or something, and ask her if she is going back to hicksville. Ahh, what a racisit bitch.

Wow, I would have said something not very nice back to her, in English.

I think the red hair and pale skin gave it away, you're quite obviously Latina.

God I hate people who pull that shit. Try learning and speaking very good Japanese, coming to Japan, and having everybody around you assume you only speak English. Try being in that same situation, except coming from a non-English speaking country. People suck so ******* hard. On the bright side, at least I know how it feels and don't treat people like crap because they look Mexican or Asian (in the US).

Latino or Latina in her case, not Mexican.