By Ayeya - 04/06/2009 21:14 - United States

Today, I wanted to print out a 100 page game strategy guide using company's printer. While not wanting anyone to find out about this I picked a time where I thought no one would be printing. My CEO ended up standing next to me for 10 minutes waiting for his stuff to print after mine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 781
You deserved it 74 204

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Game strategy guide? 100 page? At work? Bound to happen.

cxal_fml 0

why wouldn't you print it out 10 pages at a time - then even if you got caught no one would care?


Good to see you take your games way more seriously than work :D Hehe.

blabbermouth26 0

#20 you stole my idea!! lol jp OP:doesn't make you nerd(i think) but you still deserve whatever you got.

Print that at home next time, dumbass. Work is for working. YDI

Haha that's too bad. Maybe read on teh computer or email and print somewhere else? Lol but I would prolly do that too.

How did this fml even get approved? If this is a fml to you opi that's sad. Ydi

I can see it now at your next job interview "we've decided not to hire you because your previous employer informed us you have problems with using company resources for personal use" Turn off the xbox and do your job idiot.

It does not take 10 minutes to print 100 pages from a network printer

lolololcheese 0

awww man. hope ya didn't get in troubz.

Rofl next time do it ten pages at a time...

EPIC FAIL!!! Ummm.. U already have a job... U print an 100 page game guide... What kind of Geek who is old enough to have a job are u? I would submit an FML saying " I'm old enough to have a job, and I printing out a 100 page game guide. FML ". Your life = Fail!