By bonbon789 - 27/03/2014 18:10 - United States

Today, I wanted to eat my last bowl of sugary cereal before starting my new diet. I fell down the stairs with the full bowl in hand. Message received, universe. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 638
You deserved it 8 079

Same thing different taste

Top comments


beautifulsoul89 11

#9, what if you end up choking on the cereal tho?

Its for your own good.. the universe knows best

I have the opposite problem... I went through a year of personal and economic stress and lost nearly 20 lbs. On top of this I was already too thin with too fast a metabolism. Now that things are a lot better I've been working out with my husband and eating more. Looking plumper every gym visit. :) With that being said, being thin isn't always the best. As long as you're happy and healthy you're beautiful. <3

Diets don't work. Unless you're going to stay on that diet the rest of your life, you're just going to gain all that weight back again.

The universe isn't telling you anything, you're just clumsy!