By Anonymous - 22/07/2014 17:39 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I walked in on my 15-year-old daughter stripping on Skype for strangers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 361
You deserved it 44 659

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think it's time to have a really long talk with your daughter...

Well you should "strip" your daughters computer from her


therealjc_fml 14

That sucks op. And you don't deserve it at all.

If I ever have a daughter and this happened , I would probably ground her for life . The sad thing is that I'm 16 also .

noynek97 10

Probably should have knocked...

Zyde 12

Take her laptop and make her tell u her passwords see wtf else she's upto

Axel5238 29

I'm not sure if this is the case, but there are those growing up now that never really had fear of strangers in the way they used to when I was younger( the dark ages before the internet). Though, now that fear should be more important because there are those that will cyber-bully without feeling like there will be consequences for actions. I think that a fair amount (generally younger) don't think about ways stuff like how it could come back to bite them and now it isn't always right away that stuff could be online for a long time if shared. In an age where photos are easily shared it doesn't take much for that stuff to get back to someone you know somehow. Definitely, remove the computer and explain net safety and being online and not giving your actual name doesn't guarantee anonymity.

Teenagers make their own mistakes. 15 is old enough

No offense but something tells me this is fake